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Safe Manual Handling Level 2

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 require that employees are provided with information and training on manual handling.
This course is accredited to Level 2 (OFQUAL, DCELLS and CCEA) and is part of the Qualifications and Credit Framework providing a comprehensive understanding on how to manage the safe handling of objects in the workplace and encouraging staff to take responsibility for their own safety. This seeks to reduce sickness and absenteeism, lower healthcare costs, insurance premiums and compensation claims and improve the productivity of the workforce.


1 Day


Courses can be provided in-house at your own workplace or on a public course at our training venues in Shrewsbury and Telford (see program).


Who Should Attend?
This course is suitable for anyone whose job involves manual handling including employees and the self-employed and any persons responsible for managing manual handling in the workplace. It can be utilised as part of a new employee’s induction or re-familiarisation training. 


Course Content
Subjects covered by the course include:

  • Introduction and background to manual handling 

  • Manual Handling legal aspects

  • Manual Handling Hazards and High Risk activities

  • Assessing Manual Handling activities

  • Reducing the Manual Handling risk and preventing Muscular-Skeletal Disorders

  • Practical Manual Handling techniques

  • Reporting of injuries 


This qualification is assessed through continuous monitoring by the tutor, followed by a 15-question (30 minutes) multiple-choice question examination. 


Qualification & Resources
Pending successful completion of the course, delegates will receive a Level 2 Certificate in Safe Manual Handling. All delegates are supplied with a Safe Manual Handling training booklet.


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